hqreg 1.4 (2017-02-16)
- new function "hqreg_raw" for fitting models on raw data without preprocessing
- hqreg_raw contains a boolean argument "intercept" which can be set to FALSE to allow a "no-intercept" fit
- hqreg: no longer support preprocess = "none" since the package now has a specific function hqreg_raw for that situation
- modified plot, predict function accordingly for the situation without an intercept
- cv.hqreg: added a new argument FUN that take values from either "hqreg" or "hqreg_raw" to include cross validation
functionality for hqreg_raw
- robustified the optimization algorithm for extreme cases in quantile regression when tau is close to 0 or 1
hqreg 1.3 (2016-05-23)
- cv.hqreg: enabled parallel computing for cross-validation with a new argument "ncores"
- hqreg: set the default value of "gamma" for Huber loss to be IQR(y)/10
- plot.hqreg, changed argument "log.x" to "log.l"
- removed computational redundancy and reduced memory allocation in source code
- corrected typos in documentation
hqreg 1.2 (2016-02-17)
- cv.hqreg: added two new arguments, "" for predefined cross-validation
folds, and "type.measure" for inclusion of general error measures "mse" and
- loss.hqreg: modified definition depending on "type.measure".
hqreg 1.1 (2016-02-02)
- loss.hqreg.R: corrected a mistake in function "qloss".
hqreg 1.0 (2015-09-11)
- Added support for L2 penalization(alpha=0);
- hqreg: changed argument "loss" to "method" and an option "squared" to "ls".